Tagliata din muschiulet de vita sau antricot de vita cu hribi si inel de focaccia / Beef sirloin or beef steak served with Boletus mushrooms and focaccia ring (400 g)

Tagliata din muschiulet de vita sau antricot de vita cu hribi si inel de focaccia / Beef sirloin or beef steak served with Boletus mushrooms and focaccia ring (400 g)

89.00 lei

Muschiulet de vita pe roca vulcanica/fonta cu hribi si inel de focaccia
Se serveste preparat la masa, de catre ospatar, asortat cu unt, rozmarin si un sos la recomadarea acestuia.
Vin recomandat: Cabernet Premium, Crama Oprisor

Beef sirloin on volcanic rock/cast iron, with Boletus mushrooms and focaccia ring
We serve it prepared by the waiter directly on the guests’ table and seasoned with butter, rosemary and a sauce according to the waiter’s recommendation.
Recommended wine: Cabernet Premium, Oprisor wine cellar

Availability: In Stock

„Muschiulet” este termenul popular care denumeste cea mai fina carne a vitei, muschiul paravertebral (de-a stanga si de-a dreapta coloanei vertebrale). Fiecare animal are
2 asemenea muschiuleti (o pereche) si acestia pot fi recunoscuti dupa forma alungita, fusiforma. In engleza se numeste „tenderloin” iar capatul cel mai fin al acestuia constituie celebrul „Filet mignon”. Vi-l servim preparat la masa, de catre ospatar, asortat cu unt, rozmarin si un sos la recomadarea acestuia.

„Sirloin” is the popular term that defines the finest beef meat, i.e. the paravertebral muscle (located on the left, respectively on the right sides of the spine). Each animal has 2 such sirloins (a pair) and they could be recognized by their elongated, fusiform shape. In English it is named „tenderloin” and its finest end represents the famous „Filet mignon”. We serve it prepared by the waiter directly on the guests’ table and seasoned with butter, rosemary and a sauce according to the waiter’s recommendation.


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