Antricot de vita fara os /Beef steak without bone (Rib-Eye steak or Demonica Steak) (100 g)

Antricot de vita fara os /Beef steak without bone (Rib-Eye steak or Demonica Steak) (100 g)

39.00 lei

Availability: In Stock

Produs maturat minim 25 zile, preparat la gratarul-cuptor cu jar de lemn Josper. Antricotul mai este cunoscut si sub denumirile: Rib-Eye, Beauty Steak, Market Stek, Delmonico Steak, Spencer Steak, Scotch Filet, Entrecôte. Provine din regiunea intercostala (Rib = coasta) si este una din cele mai savuroase parti ale vitei, datorita fibrei grase care o strabate. Antricotul, cel mai bine merge gatit la gratar si este cel mai gustos gatit … mediu. Noi vi-l oferim asortat cu sos a-la-chef (50 gr). Pretul nu include garnitura.
O portie de antricot cantareste intre 200 si 400 grame, va rugam sa consultati ospatarul pentru alegerea unei bucati cu greutatea optima.

Matured product for minimum 25 days, prepared on ember, in Josper oven-grill. Also, the steak is known under the following denominations, too: Rib-Eye, Beauty Steak, Market Steak, Delmonico Steak, Spencer Steak, Scotch Filet, Entrecôte. It is located in the intercostal region (Rib) and it is one of the most flavoured beef meat parts, because of the fatty fiber that is inside it. The steak is most suitable to be cooked on the grill and it becomes most tasty … when it is medium cooked. We offer it accompanied by à-la-chef sauce (50 gr.). The price does not include the garnish.


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