Steak din potcoava de somon pe jar de lemn / Horseshoe salmon roasted on wood charcoal (250-300 g)

Steak din potcoava de somon pe jar de lemn / Horseshoe salmon roasted on wood charcoal (250-300 g)

67.00 lei

Steak din somon, pregatit la grill in cel mai natural mod, asa cum se pregateste pe tarmurile portugheze ale Atlanticului.
Vin recomandat: La Cetate Chardonnay, Crama Oprisor

Salmon filet steak, cooked in the most natural method on the grill, as it is prepared on the Portuguese coasts of the Atlantic.
Recommended wine: La Cetate Chardonnay, Oprisor wine cellar

Availability: In Stock

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